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Introducing the @Uber_API — bringing the power of Uber to developers worldwide: https://blog.uber.com/api #bitstoatoms
Today we're launching #uberFRESH in SaMo! Request your @TenderGreens lunch and have it in hand in 10 mins. More info: http://t.uber.com/uberfresh
.@Uber_CLT teamed up w/ @MKG14 to collect school supplies for kids in need. Thanks to all who donated! #UberSCHOOL pic.twitter.com/H0KieyN8Dh
#CONAN Highlight: @Jaime_King opted to take @Uber to the hospital since they're pretty accurate with their wait times http://bit.ly/1trnT0x
1st API partners: @Expensify @HingeApp @HyattTweets @MomentoApp @OpenTable @Starbucks @tempoai @TimeOutLondon @TripAdvisor @TripCase @United
We're thrilled to announce that @DavidPlouffe is joining Uber as Senior Vice President of Policy and Strategy http://blog.uber.com/davidplouffe
How do we know #CAlovesUber? Watch: http://t.uber.com/CAvideo
In 2010 it was just SF. Now, more than 43% of the US population can use Uber to request a ride #UberData
Your Uber experience just became even more seamless! Check out our new destination entry & turn-by-turn features: http://t.uber.com/cruisecontrol
We gave music fans in Chicago the chance to tap a button & receive an on-demand performance. Check out #UberLIVE: http://t.uber.com/chiuberlive
3 years ago today, Uber launched it's 3rd city…Seattle! Thank you, Emerald City! It's been a fun ride: http://blog.uber.com/UberSEAisTHREE
Join the 16,000 people who agree that #CAlovesUber! Sign the petition now: http://t.uber.com/caneedsuber
#UberPool is starting in private beta immediately. Want in? Sign up here—our beta will expand on August 15: http://t.uber.com/uberpoolsf
We're launching #UberPool in beta in SF! Share the ride, share the fare, and learn more here: http://t.uber.com/uberpoolsf
Are you one of our most well-traveled Uber riders? Find out who is in this post from @uberdata: http://t.uber.com/jetsettersdata
#ProTip: Leave something behind in an Uber this weekend? Head to http://riders.uber.com/lost to connect with your driver
Check out #UberLIVE! @Uber_CHI is bringing LIVE concerts on demand TODAY. Details on lineup: http://t.uber.com/UberLIVE pic.twitter.com/GcH5TfcKe3
We're now integrated with @Concur, to make expensing ground transportation as effortless as requesting an Uber ride http://blog.uber.com/Concur
With the launch of Uber for Business, we’re truly #OpenForBusiness. Learn more about our newest product here: http://t.uber.com/u4b
Uber for @windowsphone has arrived! Thanks to Rider Zeros @tmyerson & @stevenguggs for kicking things off in Atlanta http://t.uber.com/windowsphone
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